Eye to eye with the penguins

After two full days of driving we arrived at the Peninsula Valdés. Two days, hour per hour on completely straight roads first in the pampa of central Argentina and later through the Patagonian desert. Sometimes we get the feeling of a never ending landscape, after every hill our "Bluebaer" climbs the same picture, new hills and plains up to the horizon. The more south we get the drier it gets and also the wind gets stronger and stronger.


At Valdés the campground is not officially opened, but it is allowed to use it. The Peninsula Valdés is known for its high number of sea animals and therefore it is nationalpark. Different whales, penguines and sea lions can be seen. And we are lucky, we see them all. In some bays there are more than hundred of sea lions lying lazy at the beach and enjoying the sun. They are nearly not moving at all. The magellanic penguins instead are busy building their nest. We can get very close to them (less than a meter) and observe their activities, they do not bother at all. These small penguines are really cute. They only become about 50 cm tall and can only be found in Argentina and Chile. The next day morning we even get a glance of the giant whales in the bay.


Unfortunately all this is overshadowed by a problem. Our bus makes a very ugly noise which gets louder day by day. We have no choice but have to see that we reach a workshop in Puerto Madryn about 100 km away, hopefully without breakdown.