Along the Patagonic Atlantic Coast and to the Petrified forests of Sarmiento
Now as our Bluebaer runs well again we travelled along the Patagonian Atlantic coast and reached Puerto Deseado a small town slightly off the main highway "Ruta No. 3" which leads directly south.
Inbetween we had hundreds of kilometres featuring incredible beautiful coasts: endless beaches changing with high cliffs, and nearly always a sea of deep blue or sometimes turquise colour.
Close to a nationalpark called "Cabo Dos Bahias" where we saw another big colony of pinguines (13,000 nests and we inbetween) we camped in a bay that was so beautiful and quiet that it is
difficult to describe. The only neighbours we had were some sheep and some guankos, the wild type of a lama.
Another stunning experience was the visit of the petrified forests of Sarmiento. Also little bit off the main route and only reachable by gravel road there is a big area with petrified trees.
Their trunks are scattered in the whole area. These trees are 65-150 million years old and one can see their structure like bark or roots in every detail. They look like wood but they are out of
It is a strange feeling: these petrified trees remind you so clearly that everything changes and that the timespan of a person's life is nothing in comparison. So why do we think we are most
Addition (06.12.2017): With every day it becomes more obvious that we travel strictly southwards. The days get longer, there is daylight until 9:30 pm already. But it does not get warmer and the wind constantly gets stronger. We reached Rio Gallegos, and in average here the wind blows with 30 km per hour.