Buenos Aires: Farewell from South America

A lot is written about Buenos Aires and there is no need to add more descriptions about its history or sights, which are many without question. Seven days we have spent in Buenos Aires and enjoyed the diversity of this city a lot. We could have spend several weeks more  without repeating one activity. Buenos Aires is also the last stop of our journey to South America. But before we head on to North America ,here are some pictures and impressions.

Puerto Madero, a new quarter of Buenos Aires and...

... the old cemetery of Recoleta, where one can fin d the graves of many famous people of Argentina's history.

La Boca: The history of immigrants, colorful houses and soccer.

Eva Peron, still everywhere as well as Tango and...

...street art.

A mixture of old and new buildings and...

... one of the most beautiful book stores in the world.